Monday 1 December 2008

Monday 1 December 2008

So today is the first day of being officially unemployed...a nice and scary feeling at the same time. Spent the day writing lists, purchasing stupid amounts of toiletries and digging out the backpack from the attic. Hoping to finish packing and sorting tomorrow so I can relax for the next couple of days. Getting a bit nervous now (not helped by recent events I have to say) ...sinking in that we're actually off in a couple of days...


Jeff said...

Hey, I'm sure you'll have great fun, just remember to speak the language and blend in or failing that wear a burka,!


Amanda said...


I'm sure you'll have a fab time. Don't worry about the news!!

By the way, if you haven't already, buy some antibacterial hand gel to use before you eat/after handling goods etc. It's a life saver!

Bon Voyage.

Amanda x

Jennifer said...

Hi Alice,
I hope you have a fabulous trip. We just had a pastor and his wife visiting from Latur, India. They arrived, back home, on Nov 27th without incident.
I will check your blog regularly.

Love and miss you,

marmy said...

So good to get your text this morning after you touched down in Delhi. Hope your hotel is cool! Take care and look forward to the next installment! love, marmy xx

Unknown said...

Hi Alice,

Hope you're ok. I'm looking forward to reading your blogs! look after yourself.

Lots of love x

Rossman Mendoza said...

Wha Gwan?! You've both been there a week, yet no updates. You're eiher being bone idle, or you're having so much of a good time you not made it to the teo internet cafes in delhi?! Keep us posted like and make sure you both dont overdose on curry! Speak inabitski.....