Tuesday 16 December 2008

Patient Update

Tegan is in for what is hopefully the final night tonight.

We were sure she'd be out today...but now we're sure it will be tomorrow! Fingers crossed. She's just waiting for her 'sample' results and once they have those (tomorrow morning) they can discharge her with a specific antibiotics course (for the next week or so I guess). She had her last intravenous dose this morning - so is now free of the tube! She's feeling pretty much back to normal so it's all good. Just getting bored I think. She said she sometimes forgets she's actually in India as she hasn't left her little 'apartment' for 4 days. It certainly makes dealing with being in a hospital a little easier to cope with when you open the blinds each morning to sunshine and palm trees over the balcony edge. The nurses have been teaching us some Indian and practicing their English.

Not much else to report. Just watching lots (and lots and lots) of films.

Oh, and we'll be purchasing a wheelbarrow full of antibiotics to take with us before she leaves the hospital so we're ready for any repeat incidents!!


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